The Healthy Living Department focuses on providing culturally appropriate education and health promotions activities and initiatives. Our aim is to provide equitable access to knowledge, programs and services that mitigate and prevent the development of chronic diseases and conditions. An incredibly powerful way to achieve this is through the adoption of a healthy lifestyle.

Our department consists of:

  • Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and Child Nutrition Program
    • Promote awareness and education regarding the dangers of consuming alcohol during pregnancy.
    • Provide culturally appropriate programming that will increase the quality of life for children and youth affected by this disorder, those at risk, as well as parents and caregivers.
  • Healthier YOU program
    • Focus on the prevention of type 2 diabetes; through awareness, education and the promotion of healthy eating practices and physical fitness activities.
    • Includes Smoke Free Ontario, Healthy Living Active Living, and Diabetes Prevention.
  • Diabetes Education Program
    • Provide services that empower community with the knowledge to minimize their risks for developing diabetes and its complications.
healthy living