Aboriginal Patient Navigation

Bridging the gap between indigenous peoples, health services and supports.
The IPN program provides services to First Nations, Metis and Inuit individuals and families in the Hamilton, Niagara, Haldimand-Norfolk and Brant region.

Services Include:

  • Culturally appropriate resources for health care providers & individuals from hospital and to home
  • Linkages and liaison between the health care system & community services/support (e.g. acute care, residential treatment, mental health, addictions etc.)
  • Assistance on a patient’s journey to health and healing through traditional healing, traditional practitioners, medicines and cultural practices as well as assistance with western models of care that can be foreign and complex
  • Collaboration with service providers about the needs of indigenous people based on a number of factors including intergenerational trauma and the legacies of colonization
  • Service care navigation across the health care system
  • Identifying and addressing challenges and barriers to health care needs
  • Assistance and collaboration with discharge plans
  • Referrals and linkages to community services
  • Connection to traditional healing programs and services
  • Enabling open lines of communication between individuals and health care providers
  • Supporting individuals and family members to understand and participate in their plan of care

Offices of Indigenous Patient Navigators

The Patient Navigators are staff of De dwa da dehs nye>s Aboriginal Health Centre who are housed at partnering organizations in order to best service the needs of the community.

Hamilton Region: Hamilton DAHC Offices – 905-379-4320
Brantford/Halidmand: Brantford Sattelite Office – 519-750-4323
Niagara Region:  – 905-358-4320